West Virginia Board of Dental


207 South Heber Street

Beckley, WV 25801

Phone (304)-252-8266

Toll Free (877)914-8266

FAX - (304)253-9454



President’s Message


About ten years ago, I, like most of you, had no idea what the West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners did other than I send in my check and they sent back my license. Oh what a difference ten years makes! There is time and financial and personal commitments that to some may seem unworthy, but it has been one of the best experiences I have had the pleasure of doing in my professional career.

When I came on the board and during my second term we had the "Joe Montana" of Executive Directors in Jim Anderson. Jim made the Board what it is today and from its humble beginnings to well over 30 years of his supervision we all owe him a big Thank You!!

But not to worry. As we have now the good fortune to have our own "Steve Young" in John Parkulo. John has worked with the board as an Assistant Executive Secretary for five years before becoming our next Executive Secretary. The torch has been passed along to very good hands and we are in excellent shape after Legislative review and ready to take care of our Board business to protect the safety and welfare of the public dentally.

The Board along with the Dental, Hygiene, and Assistant Associations worked together to expand the duties for hygienists and assistants. The hygienist will have the anesthesia privilege and the assistants will have functions that will assist the dentist and hygienist in their day to day treatment of patients. With this added responsibility, the assistants may need to be registered with the Board office in the future. All expanded functions have Board approved criteria and the Board will review courses as they are presented to them for approval. When approved, the courses can be taken at the hygienist and assistants discretion. The Board is responsible for the criteria but not the presentation of courses.

The Board is working on increasing the number of hours of continuing education for the dentist and hygienist. We are making it to conform with the national average and with input from the recommendations of the American Dental Association Counsel on Dental Education and Licensure. If passed by Legislature, these hours will not be required until the 2008 renewal period.

The Legislative Auditors Office has directed that it does not feel there is a need for an independent hygiene board. It is my opinion we can all work together as a "team" and provide the needed and necessary services to the public we serve. The issue of direct and general supervision will need to be addressed and with the access to care issues we face it will once again be a situation of what benefits the public the best.

We have a unique situation in our state with a dental school, dental hygiene schools and assistant training programs. There are three very active associations in the WVDA, WVDHA, and the WVDAA. We have one of the best Dental Board systems in the nation and this combination gives us the best of all worlds in the profession of dentistry. We should never take what we have for granted or all the hard work and efforts we have endured to get where we are and to keep us directed to meet the needs of the future.

West Virginia is associated with NERB and SRTA, is active in the AADE and maintains a high profile at the national level. Our dental school helped pilot a new clinical testing method for NERB 3 years ago and will do the same this year with the new national exam that will give students a license upon graduation to practice anywhere in the country. Your Dental Board has given me the opportunity to run the chairs for the National President of AADE. This is a five year process that I think keeps our state at the forefront of what is happening nationally and I thank you for your support and the opportunity to represent our State and profession nationally.


In closing, I would hope that anyone who has the opportunity to serve on the State Board would take full advantage of this to enrich their lives and profession. I have enjoyed it immensely, it has been a great ride and look forward to working for my profession and my State in the future.


George D. Conard, Jr., DDS


George D. “Buck” Conard, Jr., DDS, President

Richard D. Smith, DDS, Secretary

John C. Dixon, DDS

Bernard J. Grubler, DDS

James W. Vargo, DDS

David G. Edwards, DDS

Mrs. Dina Agnone Vaughan, BSDH, MS

Mrs. Debra D. Dent, CDA

Mrs. Dolores L. Gribble, Consumer Member

Welcome to Dr. David G. Edwards!!!

            Dr. David G. Edwards has been appointed by Governor Wise to a five year term on the Board of Dental Examiners. He is a general dentist practicing in Wellsburg, West Virginia. His term expires June 30, 2009.


            Dr. James W. Vargo has been re-appointed by Governor Wise to a five year term on the Board of Dental Examiners. He is an Endodontist practicing in Beckley, West Virginia. His term expires June 30, 2008.


            The Board would like to thank Dr. H. Richard Marshall, Jr. for his outstanding contribution during his term on the Board. His generous gift of time, knowledge and support will always be appreciated.

            The Board would also like to thank and congratulate their Office Manager, Mrs. Susan Combs who has celebrated her 10th Anniversary with the Board this Summer. She is certainly an asset to our Board and the dental community.


            Ms. April Stone, as many of you know through your phone conversations with her over the past 9 months, has been employed by our Board office as Office Assistant. She has provided much needed assistance to our office staff and is very appreciated. Thanks April!



                                      DENTAL           HYGIENE


Total Active Licenses     1,242                1,117

Total Retired Licenses    169                 113

Total Practicing In State 841             705


            The Board has four sets of Agency Approved Rules that will be considered during the 2005 Legislative Session. You may go to our web site and view them.

            Also, the Board’s Anesthesia Committee and members of the Board have been working diligently to re-write the Anesthesia Law. The Board has approved a drafted proposed new law and hopes to have it introduced during the next Legislative Session.


William R. Marshall, DDS, Morgantown

Robert W. Graves, DDS, Morgantown

Don E. Skaff, DDS, Charleston

David E. Yates, DMD, Huntington


            The Anesthesia Committee and The Board of Dental Examiners would like to extend their appreciation to Dr. Lewis D. Gilbert and Dr. Bryan D. Weaver for their contributions and hard work on the Anesthesia Committee and help in drafting a new proposed Anesthesia law.


            The Board has issued the following numbers of dental assistant expanded duties certificates as of 9/09/2004:


            Restorative                    141

            Orthodontic                    142



            All of the course guidelines for expanded duties for assistants and hygienists have been posted on the Board’s web site. Let us remind you the Board only approves courses in accordance with the guidelines, the Board does not give the courses.


Before you perform those Duties...

            Be sure you have secured the necessary certificate to do those expanded duties that require a board approved course and/or testing. Completion of a board approved course and/or testing does not authorize you to practice these privileges until your application is completed and a certificate is received from the Board office.

Licenses not renewed by May 1, 2004


James L. Bramble

Pedro Lapena Casingal Jr.

Thomas Hilburn Cleveland, Jr.

Deck F. Couch

Riley F. Dobbins

Robert Allen Doyle, Jr.

Everett Janney Eklund

Paul Casey Fallon

Edwin Lee Farrar

Richard Douglas Gardner

Quincy Bassett Gilliam, Jr.

Stephen J. Hannon

John Herde Hatfield

Derrick John Hinkle

Karrie Nicole Howard

Lisa Elizabeth Kaduk

John David Lindsay

William Vincent Linger

Stella Marie Liong

Jennifer Hokanson McBee

John C. Park

Stanley A. Poleway

Thomas Edward Rider

Karen S. Romine

Richard A. Salzer

Wayne Gerard Sterba

Nihar D. Tanna

Charles Henry Wagoner

Robert Aaron Wilharm

Jennings L. Wilson, Jr.

William Robert Yant

Edward Henry Zagula


Jennifer Lynn Alger

Janet L. Bee

Joan R. Bernhard

Sara B. Boustany

Amy Ann Carpenter

Michele Nicole Chociej

Kitty E. Cornell

Joyce Ellen Deubler

Patsy J. DuFresne

Rebecca Carol Farmer

Darlene Marie Gaffney

Barbara Ann Gleason

Pamela Meadows Harvit

Jane Moon Higgins

Joyce Ellen Jefferson

Kelly Dale Kirkpatrick

Louisa Lewis Lee

Rebecca J. Lichty

Jill Ann Marshall

Catherine M. Martino

Karen Renee` McKenzie

Christina Rauber Meredith

Lizabeth Joelle Mitchell

Norma Lee Moyers

Jennifer Anne Naum

Sherri Ann Price

Laura Leigh Rummel

Billie Pauline Stephens

Debra S. Sumpter

Jaime Marie Vahalik

Patricia Lynn Wells

L. Joan Wharton

Alison Amanda Widder

Debra Lynne Wooten


Dr. Randolph T. Evans - Consent Decree - Violation of the law by allowing a dental assistant to make adjustments to dental prosthesis and by allowing a dental assistant to place dental prosthesis. Fine $1,500 and Assessed Costs of $1,000.

Dr. Alan K. Vance - Consent Decree - Violation of the law by failing to keep a lab slip in a patients file for a two year period as required by law. Fine $500 and Assessed Costs of $500.


December 3 & 4, 2004

Oglebay Resort, Wheeling, WV

March 11 & 12, 2005

Holiday Inns & Suites, Huntington, WV

July 13 & 14 2005

Hampton Inn, Lewisburg, WV

September 16 & 17, 2005

Bavarian Inn, Shepherdstown, WV

Meeting dates and locations are subject to Change



JULY 1, 2003 - JUNE 30, 2004


            Number of Complaints Received             56

            Complaints Received Concerning the following:


            Advertising                                               9 

            Billing & Fees                                          12

            Dentures/Prosthesis                                10

            Illegal Performance of Duties                  9

            Dental Records                                        1

            Prescription & Impairment Issues            3

            Other Standard of Care Issues                13



            The Board would like to thank those randomly audited October 2003 for their kind cooperation. We are proud that all those audited completed their audits successfully.

            As for biennial reporting, those persons having recently received a letter concerning their lacking a few CE credits for the period of Feb. 1, 2002 though Jan. 31, 2004 are now subject to disciplinary actions by the Board and those licenses will not be renewed for 2005 until said credits are completely reported.





            The West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners has received inquiries regarding the use of lasers in the practice of dentistry. Most of these inquires concern who may use a laser. The Board, in determining their position concerning this subject, has been in contact with dentists who are currently using lasers in their practice. The Board has also reviewed other state dental boards’ positions on this subject.

            The Board is aware of many varieties of dental lasers. Lasers can be used to replace or supplement traditional dental instruments, such as handpieces, scalpels, curing lights, and the explorer.

            The Board regards the use of any laser which can cut tissue to be practicing dentistry, and therefore limits its use to dentists. This includes the so-called “low power” lasers used for periodontal treatments, such as pocket debridement, scaling, polishing, planing, and the removal of calculus deposits.

            The Board will allow the use of lasers that are used as an alternative to a traditional curing light to be used by a dental hygienist or dental assistant for the sole purpose of curing resin restorations. In addition, the Board will also allow the use of the Diagnodent ™ caries detection laser to be used by a dental hygienist or dental assistant.

            The Board will keep abreast of changes in the use of lasers in dentistry and may choose to modify or amend this statement at anytime.