West Virginia Board

Of Dental Examiners

PO Drawer 1459

Beckley, WV 25802


2002 Newsletter


My fellow colleagues:

When I came on the Board five years ago I knew there would be some out of pocket expenses and some time commitments. Five years later I found out there was much more involved. As a member of the Board you automatically are a member of the North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners (NERB) and the American Association of Dental Examiners (AADE).

In March of my 1st year on the Board I went to Morgantown on a Thursday and Friday as the Board gave mock board exams to help WVU students. The following Monday and Tuesday I was in Chicago attending the AADE Mid-Year meeting. I returned home on Wednesday to catch a flight on Thursday to Washington DC for the Spring meeting of NERB.

Yes I found out fast there was a little involvement of time.

The NERB Spring meeting is mandatory in order to give licensing exams for graduating dentists and dental hygienists in April and May. NERB also offers retake licensing exams in the Summer (August) and Winter (December).As a NERB examiner you are expected to give a dental and a couple of hygiene exams in the Spring and possibly a Summer or Winter exam to help out.

The West Virginia Board this past year is also aligning itself with the Southern Regional Testing Agency. SRTA gives licensing exams in seven southern states.

The need to become examiners on Regional Board is because only a few states administer their own licensing exams for dental and dental hygiene students.

NERB gives licensing exams in 15 states from Illinois to Maine and SRTA likewise in 7 southern states.

Besides the March Mid-Year meeting the AADE holds a meeting just prior to the ADA annual meeting. Four years ago former West Virginia Board member Dr. James D. Mendenhall was president of this national organization. This year Dr. George D. "Buck" Conard, Jr. has thrown his hat in the ring to be

(Cont'd on page 2)

Members of the Board

Bernard J. Grubler, DDS, President

H. Richard Marshall, Jr., DDS, Secretary

George D. Conard, Jr., DDS

John C. Dixon, DDS

Richard D. Smith, DDS

Dina Agnone Vaughan, BSDH, MS

Debra D. Dent, CDA

Dolores L. Gribble, Consumer Member



Dr. Richard Duff Smith was appointed to the Board by Governor Wise January 8, 2002. He is a general dentist and practices in Charleston. Dr. Smith fills a newly created position with his term expiring June 30, 2006.

Mrs. Debra D. Dent, CDA was appointed to the Board by Governor Wise January 4, 2002. She is a certified dental assistant and is employed by Dr. Mark Kilcollin in Union. Mrs. Dent fills a newly created position with her term expiring June 30, 2006.


Dr. John C. Dixon was re-appointed to the Board by Governor Wise January 8, 2002. He is a general dentist and practices in Charleston. His second term expires June 30, 2006.


Renewals must be received in this office on or before the first day of February, 2003. If you do not meet the February 1 deadline your license is considered expired until it is received. This could cause problems with your malpractice insurance and you may not be covered during such a lapse.

As of September 23, 2002, the license population for the State of West Virginia was as follows:


Total Active Licenses 1,398 1,169

Total Retired Licenses 172 108

Total Practicing In State 813 656


The Board of Dental Examiners will be conducting an audit of continuing education credits in the near future of those credits reported for the period of February 1, 2000 through January 31, 2002.

If you are audited a copy of your continuing education reporting form will be provided to you in order for you to fulfill the audit requirements.

If you did not report the required continuing education credits for this period you also may be audited and your license renewal may be delayed until they are reported.

Disciplinary actions can be taken by the Board if credits are not reported or audits are not conformed to.

(Cont'd from page 1)

elected 3rd Vice President, with support and a little luck Buck will become the 2nd Mountaineer to be president of the AADE. Not bad for a little ol' state like West Virginia. GOOD LUCK BUCK!!!

No the Board doesn't spend all of it's time at out of state meetings and exams, but it's at these meetings where we have an opportunity to talk to colleagues about what dentistry is doing in other parts of the country. This is where invaluable information comes from to help us for example to deal with expanded functions for hygienists and assistants.

Our most serious concern and deliberation arises out of written complaints from patients. The Board seeks the best possible dental care for West Virginians. The Board diligently strives to be fair not only to the patient but also to the licensees, as required by the Due Process laws of the state. Our most difficult task is taking disciplinary action on our fellow colleagues. The Board tries to get the dentist and patient to reconcile their differences. If this does not occur we sometimes use our staff investigators Bradford A. Vaughan or Dr. Donald Neil whose on site investigation aid us, or we may refer the complaint to a peer review committee for assistance.

The members who comprise the Board (dentists, hygienist, assistant and public member) and staff along with a Subcommittee on General Anesthesia and Parenteral Conscious Sedation all participate together to accomplish the correct result.

We are fortunate that in West Virginia, we as members of the dental profession, still have the ability to regulate ourselves. Only if we act proactively and in the best interest of the public can we assure our future in charting our own destiny.

The Board meets at least four times a year to deal with complaints, administer law exams, give interviews to dental and dental hygiene applicants from other states, and handle all other matters that come before the Board to maintain the oral health of our citizens. All of our meeting minutes, information and records are handled by our very competent Office Manager, Mrs. Susan Combs, without whom we would be totally lost. Anytime you have a question or problem please call her.

Over the past year the Board had a 35% increase in written complaints. I don't feel from this increase that we are offering poorer dentistry, but I think the public is demanding a higher standard of oral care. The public tends to push the panic button quicker. We can all help in this regard by having a better understanding and rapport with our patients (happy patients don't complain).

All of our meetings are open meetings, however, there are executive sessions concerning specific matters for personnel, complaints and hearings. All hearings are conducted in an executive session unless the practitioner requests the hearing be held in an open meeting. All decisions are made in an open session.

The Board holds their meetings in different areas of the state and have been held in Charleston, Beckley, Morgantown, Flatwoods, White Sulphur Springs, Parkersburg, Snowshoe and Wheeling.

This past year, through the new Dental Practice Act, a Certified Dental Assistant, Mrs. Debra Dent was added to our Board. Debbie's participation on the Board has raised the bar for future dental assistant members.

One thing every married Board member agrees on is that they could not serve without an understanding and supportive spouse.

This message is not written to boast nor discourage members from seeking Board appointments, but is intended to be informative and hopefully excite candidates who are willing to serve.

All the members thank you for the privilege to serve on your Board.

Sincerely yours,

Bernard J. Grubler, DDS, President


December 6 & 7, 2002

HOLIDAY INN - Parkersburg

March 7 & 8, 2003

DAYS INN - Sutton, WV

July 18 & 19, 2003

THE GREENBRIER - White Sulphur Springs, WV

September 19 & 20, 2003



Your license renewal notices are mailed to addresses that are on file with the Board office. Please remember when you move to report your new address to the Board within 30 days.

If your address is not updated with the Board office and you forget to renew your license by May 1 each year, your license will be canceled possibly causing you to be practicing illegally. It is the responsibility of the licensee to remain in touch with the Board.


Licenses Cancelled May 1, 2002 for Failure to Renew


Drake J. Battista

Del R. Boni

Robert L. Bradford

James L. Bramble

James P. Brown

Benjamin F. Clark

Earnest D. Coalter, Jr.

Joseph L. Corey

Neil R. Cornell

Laurence P. Crigger

Scott A. Dunaway

John N. Fayad

Karl J. Foose

Dayton C. Ford

Marcellious Gladney

Ada C. Goldsmith

James L. Goldsmith

Alim J. Grant, Sr.

James A. Griffin, Jr.

Arne F. Gruspe

Mark R. Harrison

Raymond A. Hinerman, Jr.

William H. Hitt

John M. Holovak

Patrick L. Hughes

Timothy K. Hughes

Charles R. Joseph

Gregory M. Joseph

Bradley F. Kendzior

Maurice W. Lewis

Gregg A. Lombardo

Ellen D. Malcomson

Charles A. Manilla

Michael C. McCutcheon

Neil T. Miller

Ballard F. Morgan

David A. Nash

Brad W. Neville

Charles D. Parks

Joseph M. Pelle

Patrick H. Pierce

Adam C. Plaster

William T. Rogus

Lester H. Roth

Andrei Rudic

Jennifer L. Sarantos

Melanie R. Schamp

Robert E. Schneider

Roy F. Schoppert, III

Matthew E. Simmons

Ronald A. Sparks

William Z. Spatz

Patrick E. Sprague

Warren D. Surface

Sandra A. Thompson

Wayne W. Triplett

Robert B. Tyre

Robert E. Wallace

Arnold L. Weese

Philip J. Wells

David A. Whiston

Aaron H. Wilson, Jr.

Charles T. Withers

Thomas Witzenberger

Richard A. Woelfel

Michael S. Wooddell

Thomas F. Yoho


Tina L. Armbruster

Carie S. Blair

Elizabeth A. Blake-Dow

April L. Booth

Marsha D. Boram

Lillian A. Boyles

Donya M. Byard

Kristen L. Cage

Rebecca J. Campbell

Karen S. Chilton

Deborah L. Christenson

Patricia K. Coiner

Ronceverta A. Craft

Tammy J. Daniel

Susan L. Dillow

Kimberly B. Dunford

Linda L. Eckley

Andrea B. Gardner

Marie D. George

Allison N. Griffith

Marian R. Holder

Mary E. Holovak

Kathy L. Hopper

Janice W. Jones

Jaime K. Livezey

Bobbie J. Maynard

Susan K. Milby

Misty D. Morse

Tracy K. Norris

Tracy L. Parker

Donna J. Patrick

Christine S. Pfund

Karen M. Pomeroy

Catherine W. Puhala

Margaret S. Rogerson

Laura L. Rummel

Margaret H. Seibert

April D. Slaughter

Kimberly B. Steckline

Mareda J. Stevens

Faith A. Sutherland

Cathy B. Taylor

Laura L. Thompson

Becky H. Wade

Kelley P. Weber

Penelope L. Williams-Smith

Lisa L. Wright

Patricia J. Younger

Eve H. Zirkle




Dr. George F. Becker - Violation of Chapter 30, Article 4 by allowing his dental assistant to place a temporary filling. Fined $1,000 and assessed costs of $500.

Mrs. Teena M. Wisecup - Violation of Chapter 30, Article 4 by under the direct supervision of her employer placed a temporary filling. Fined $250.

Dr. Stephen C. Bird - Violation of Chapter 30, Article 4 by being guilty of unprofessional conduct by abusing alcohol or drugs. Fined $1,000 and assessed costs of $500.

Dr. Graham K. Philp - Licensure Denied due to denying having been charged with a violation of the dental law in any other jurisdiction when in fact he had.

Dr. William R. Bartholomew - Licensure Denied due to prior revocation of his licensure in another State.


JANUARY 31, 2004

The current continuing education period started February 1, 2002 and will end January 31, 2004. During this time period Dentists must obtain 20 hours including 3 hours of infection control. Hygienists must obtain 12 hours including 3 hours of infection control.

You are exempt from this period if you graduated from Dental or Dental Hygiene school within one year prior to February 1, 2002 or during this period.

You are required by regulations to maintain and compile accurate records relating to all continuing education courses that are successfully completed. These records and information must be maintained for a period of six years.

The West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners shall randomly audit the continuing education records maintained by each dentist and dental hygienist.




James G. Anderson, III Executive Secretary

John F. Parkulo Assistant Executive Secretary

Susan M. Combs Office Manager

Bradford A. Vaughan Investigator

Phone # (304) 252-8266 toll free 877-914-8266

Fax # (304) 252-2779

E-Mail Address - apsa@citynet.net




The Subcommittee for General Anesthesia and Parenteral Conscious Sedation would like to know if you use oral sedation. The committee has asked the Board to add the question that is located at the bottom of each licensed dentists renewal forms concerning the use of combination inhalation-enteral conscious sedation.

It would be appreciated if you would answer by circling yes or no whenever filling out your renewal form this year.

Currently a permit is not required for the use of oral sedation.


Lewis D. Gilbert, DDS, Summersville, Chairman

William R. Marshall, DDS, Morgantown

Bryan D. Weaver, DDS, MD, Morgantown

Don E. Skaff, DDS, Charleston

H. Richard Marshall, Jr., DDS, Board Liaison


Make available to patients copies of their records when requested. (note do not release original records - only copies) Charges not to exceed .75¢ per page and search fee not to exceed $10.00 per West Virginia Code §16-29-1 and 2.

The Board sees quite a few complaints throughout the year on this subject. Records can not be held hostage for unpaid account balances.



The following information is available on the Board's website:

Board member's names and term expirations;

Staff members names;

The Board's address, telephone & fax number;

The Board's Calendar;

The Board's newsletters;

Dental application for licensure;

Dental Hygiene application for licensure;

Anesthesia application for permit;

Specialty application for specialty licensure;

CE Course Approval application;

Dental Corporation application;

PLLC application;

Complaint form;

Dental Laws 30-4, 30-4A & 30-4B; and

Dental regulations Series 1 through 5.

